boiler repair

Boiler Maintenance – never be without hot water or heating!

Ever had any boiler issues? Most of us have experienced boiler issues at some stage and boilers don’t last forever.

The older they are and due to ongoing use boilers can become increasingly troublesome leaving you without hot water or heating, a major nuisance, especially if you were looking forward to that hot shower or are stuck without heating in the middle of the winter.

It’s no coincidence boilers face more issues during the winter season. Heavier constant use stresses the heating system.

The good news is there is something you can do to help prevent this and extend the lifespan of your boiler which is get it serviced at least annually. We can hear you groan, more work and expense but let us convince you with some reasons you may not be aware of.

  • Boilers, especially the newer models require regular maintenance. Things build up and parts get worn out, problems will only get much worse if not addressed. A small problem can quickly become a larger and more damaging one leading to much greater cost and disruption or even the need to replace the boiler.
  • Regular boiler servicing will extend the lifespan of your boiler saving you a significant amount.
  • A boiler that runs more efficiently will save you money over time and help reduce your energy bills.
  • Regular boiler servicing keeps you safer – with gas there is a risk of carbon monoxide emission which can be fatal and cause a person to feel seriously ill (nausea, headaches, dizziness, etc). As well as keeping your boiler running more smoothly regular boiler checks will make you safer.
  • Keep your boiler under warranty – if your boiler is under guarantee then as part of the warranty terms it may require an annual service.
  • If you’re a landlord or plan to rent the property you are legally required to carry out an annual gas safety check and obtain a Gas Safety Certificate.

Core Spaces can carry out annual service checks, boiler repairs and Gas Safety certificates by one of our certified engineers – please get in touch

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